Catamaran Rigging
We offer a wide range of rigging for catamarans and can tailor your rigging for your individual needs.
Please contact us for more detail.
Picture 1 and 2:
One method of setting up a Spitfire rig; attaching the shroud and trapese to the same shackle
Picture 3:
Spitfire trapese showing simple handles which is preferencial for racing. It has basic length adjustment that is normally set at the start of a race and not altered
Picture 4:
A Spitfire diamond attachment where both wires are attached to a single bottlescrew for single tension adjustment point. Notice the simple halyard ring used on most catamarans, it tends to be preferncial as the load is spread through the mast and not the halyard. This means that you don't risk stretching your halyard.
Picture 1
Picture 2
Picture 3
Picture 4